Buddhas Cave莫高窟英文简介100字, is situated west the Gansu Corridor endDunhuang莫高窟英文简介100字, is world famous by the finemural and the castltsbeqinning constructs at 16 countries#39 former Qin times莫高窟英文简介100字, hasbeenthrough repeatedly 16 countries, t。
Dunhuang is a famous city located in the northwest of China, known for its rich cultural and historical heritage With a history dating back over 2,000 years, Dunhuang is home to the famous Mogao Caves, a。
敦煌莫高窟英语导游词 范文 1 Ladies and gentlemen莫高窟英文简介100字! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes with a long history I am your tour guide You just call me Lao zhou Four grottoes are longmen grottoes。
莫高窟英文介绍如下Mogao Grottoes, commonly known as the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas, is known as the most valuable cultural discovery of the 20th century and the quotLouvre of the EastquotIt is located in Dun。
敦煌莫高窟英文介绍 Mogao Caves are located southeast the Chinese Gansu Province Dunhuang east 25 kilometer place Mt Mingsha on the foothill cliff, first near dawdle Quan River, face east, north and south。
你好,这篇小文是参考几个外文旅游网站上古迹及历史背景介绍,重新删节,整合的,是写敦煌莫高窟的,希望对你有所帮助Dunhuang Mogao Caves Silk Road Tours Adventure along the Silk Road to explore the ancient cities。
2018下半年英语四级考试翻译试题敦煌莫高窟1 莫高窟Mogao Caves位于古代丝绸之路上的重镇甘肃省敦煌市,被誉为20世纪最具有价值的文化发现,以其精美的壁画murals和雕像闻名于世莫高窟始建于公元366年,历时近千年。
四大石窟敦煌莫高窟大同云冈石窟洛阳龙门石窟天水麦积山石窟 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is located 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang city, a large West Bank Quangou river, the eastern foot of the。
莫高窟的英文名称为MogaoGrottoes 莫高窟发展历程莫高窟始建于十六国时期,据唐李克让重修莫高窟佛龛碑一书的记载,前秦建元二年366年,僧人乐尊路经此山,忽见金光闪耀,如现万佛,于是便在岩壁上开凿了第一个。
中文名称莫高窟外文名称Mogao Grottoes地理位置甘肃省敦煌市东南25千米开放时间8001800门票价格200元人次著名景点藏经洞九层楼莫高窟,俗称千佛洞,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌它始建于十六国。
旅游景点,英语介绍3天坛概况 the Temple of heaven is situated in the southern part of Beijing, about 6 kilometers away from the center of the city 天坛位于北京的南部距离城市中心大约六公里 traditionally, this Temple was。
Located on the North Bank of the Seine River in the centre of Paris, the Louvre is the first of the four major museums in the world Founded in 1204, it was originally a French palace It has lived。
The length of the Grottoes is 1 kilometer in the north and south There are now 2345 grottoes, more than 100,000 statues and more than 200 inscriptions on tabletsAmong them, quottwenty products of Longmenquot。
回答编辑本段莫高之窟 莫高窟属全国重点文物保护单位,俗称千佛洞,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌,以精美的壁画和塑像闻名于世它始建于十六国的前秦时期,历经十六国北朝隋唐五代西夏元等历代的兴建,形成巨大的。