1、英汉表达的习惯不同汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”英语习惯则为north, south, east, west汉语中用“东南”“东北”“西南”“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, n嘉峪关的英文;其他类似问题 20111103 求关于长城的中英文简介, 谢谢合作 51 20130825 北京万里长城英文简介 104 20100110 长城英文简介 391 20140207 长城的英文简介 52 20110911 长城的英文介绍 63 20130824。
2、The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall, is a military defense project in ancient China It is a tall, solid and continuous terrace to limit the actions of enemy horsemenThe Great Wall is not a;里,在世上有“万里长城”之誉 万里长城在嘉峪关的英文我国北方辽;有关嘉峪关的风景名胜和旅游景点的英语作文,大约100字左右Jiayuguan Pass is the first pass at the west end ofthe Great Wall of China and was built during theMing Dynasty嘉峪关是长城西端的终点第一关,建在明朝It is lo;山海关,位于河北省秦皇岛市东北15千米处,是明长城的东北关隘之一,在1990年以前被认为是明长城东端起点,素有中国长城“三大奇观之一”“天下第一关”“边郡之咽喉,京师之保障”之称,与万里之外的嘉峪关遥相呼应;1The Great Wall 长城 万里长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称长城东西绵延上万华里,因此又称作万里长城现存的长城遗迹主要为始建于14世纪的明长城,西起嘉峪关,东至;south of the Qilian Mountains to the throat Jiayu Highland Xi Lu Jian Guan City Commissioner five years before now designated Hongwu Year 1372, the last 168 years, completed in the year 1540 completion。
3、嘉峪关是长城西端的终点第一关,建在明朝It is located 6 kilometers southwest of Jiayuguan Citywhich is in Gansu Province它位于甘肃省嘉峪关市西南6公里处It is located at the foot of Jiayuguan Hill, between;The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is called the quotTen thousand Ii Great Wallquot in ChineseIn fact, it#39 s more than 6 000 kilometres longIt is one of the wonders of the world It has。
4、英文版兰州介绍英文版兰州正文介绍如下Lanzhou, Gansu Province甘肃省兰州市Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, is a major stop on the ancient quotSilk Roadquot west of Xi#39an Situated on the upper reaches of the;until the Qin Dynasty after the reunification of China will become the quotGreat Wallquot However, the Great Wall we see today is east of Shanhai Kansai to Jiayuguan, most of them built in the Ming Dynasty。
6、Jiayuguan Jiayuguan City is located in Gansu, 5 kilometers west of the Great Wall, is at the western end of the first switch, is the ancient quot Silk Road quot of the transport hub The great wall of Ming;我们现在可以看到的长城是16世纪的明朝重建的It extends from Shanhaiguan Pass, a seaport along the coast of Bohai Bay, to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province它从山海关延伸到甘肃的嘉峪关山海关是渤海湾的一个海港。